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The Southend Poetry Group has brought together an anthology of members' poems annually for the past 30 years - that's 1,289 poems by over 100 poets. To celebrate this milestone,we asked poet and former editor of Poetry London magazine, Pascale Petit to make a selection from the 30 books to create a new Selected edition that represents the best of Southend Poetry.
GOLD: 30 years of Southend POETRY
selected by Pascale Petit
poems by
Derek Adams
Denis Ahern
Patricia Aves
Shirley Baker
George Barker
John Barr
Phil Bartlett
Bernice Bedford
Gerry Bishton
David Carr
Robert Cole
John Debenham
Dorothy Gibson
Adrian Green
Jan Green
Dave Griffin
Clare Harvey
Hazel Heasley
John Hennebry
Jim Jump
Trish Gibbs-Leake
Mervyn Linford
Carol Ann Lintern
Katie Mallett
Peter Marks
Teri Mitchell
Laurie Nelken
Ian Palmer
Madeline Parsons
Steve Pilley
Susan Reynolds
Mike Roberts
David Rowland
Liz Rowlands
Maureen Sapwell
Dorothy Strutt
Donald F. Taylor
David Timmins
Dorothy Turner
Alisoun M. Ward
Malcolm E. Wright
David Yallop
Ian Yearsley